Thursday, 10 May 2018

Firgrove Mill Fire

2.30am on Wednesday 5th May 1869, flames are seen licking the sky coming from the cotton mill of Messrs. James Leigh and Sons at Firgrove.

Word is quickly sent to Rochdale and two pumps are quickly despatched to the scene, by the time they arrived the fire had taken a substantial hold in the building, despite the best efforts of the brigade the building was doomed.

The fire crews had a plentiful supply of water from the nearby canal, but they couldn't save the building, sterling efforts were made to save the scutching and mixing rooms to no avail.

They did however manage to save the steam engine and boiler house.

The mill stood four storeys high and was filled with the latest machinery, the damage was estimated to have been between £10,000 and £12,000.

Fortunately for Mr. Leigh the vast majority of the building was insured through the Liverpool, London, Lancashire and Atlas insurance companies.

Unfortunately though the 150 people employed at the mill found themselves without jobs, trade at the time was very poor and its doubtful many of the workers would have found alternative employment.

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